habit tracker bullet journal

Easy Habit Tracker Bullet Journal Ideas

Have you heard of a habit tracker?

There are many forms of habit trackers, and they are a great tool for effectively tracking all your habits. Regardless of whether these habits are good ones that you want to keep or bad ones that you would like to break, you may find habit tracking an extremely useful activity. Today, we will talk about the amazing benefits of habit tracking and we will also review some habit tracker bullet journal ideas. Thus, you will know how to get started with tracking your habits and which activities may be worth noting in your bullet journal.

Have you heard of a bullet journal?

Rather than blank spiral notebook, this fun approach to journal takes a little creative and organization to get started. Basically, you want to “design” some designated pages for keeping your life organized. This typically includes a to-do list, monthly calendar, weekly calendar, goal setting, and- of course- habit tracking for physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Are you ready? Then let’s dive into habit tracking ideas that you can throw in your bullet journal, planner, or however you keep your life organized. 🙂

What is a habit tracker?

If you are wondering what a habit tracker actually is, it’s a tool that allows you to get a bird’s eye view of your current habits. After all, it’s a lot easier to modify or change your daily habits when you have a strong grasp of how your day currently goes. It can seem so simple yet bringing some awareness to your habits can be a game changer for making a sustainable change.

Additionally, once you know what habits you want to change. Then you can use a tracker to measure whether you are consistently practicing the new behavior or not. The most simple form of habit tracking is to take a calendar and cross every day off when you have stuck to your habit.

Let’s say you would like to build a habit of exercising in the morning. If you woke up earlier on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Sunday, those days get an X. This way, you can easily track your new habit, and crossing off the days can motivate you even more.

When it comes to a habit tracker bullet journal, it means that you don’t have a ready-to-use calendar where you can note whether you have stuck with your routine. However, it gives you the freedom of creating a dedicated space somewhere in the journal where you can track your habits. Thus, you can design a habit tracker that fits your needs the most and helps you stay accountable with building new healthy habits or breaking bad habits. If you don’t know how to create a habit tracker don’t worry, it’s not rocket science and can be as simple or complicated as you’d like it to be. There are tons of inspiration on the internet to draw a bullet habit tracker. You can even find printable templates.

If you are planning to cultivate a new daily habit, the easiest way is to write the new habit “drink enough water”, “wake up early” on the top of the page, then simply draw some small squares under it (these will indicate the days of the month) that you can cross out each day. And voila!

Benefits of habit tracking

Now that you know the basics of habit tracking, it’s time to see what are the benefits of tracking your habits:

  • It can help reach your goals. Why? Because if you break down your goals into doable, small habits and you track them, the whole process becomes much easier and streamlined.
  • Tracking your habits can hold you accountable. You will be more likely to stick to your habits just because you are using a habit tracker.
  • It means more motivation for you. Crossing out a day in your tracker can give you a sense of accomplishment each day. (Like those gold stars we used to get as kids)
  • A habit tracker allows you to make adjustments in your habits. If you feel that a task is too difficult to do regularly, you can make it easier to fit your needs better. This way, you will be more likely to stick to your new habit.
  • You can see the progress and how much effort you put into developing a new habit- something we often lose sight of.
  • With the help of using a habit tracker bullet journal, building new habits and breaking old ones become easier.

How to get into the habit of journaling

journal habits

Ultimately, keeping a habit tracker bullet journal is also a new habit you need to develop. But how can you cultivate a consistent habit of journaling? Below you will find a few tips that may help you get started:

  1. Set aside time each day for journaling. For example, plan to spend 5-15 minutes journaling each morning.
  2. Use the tools that suit you: If you prefer the traditional pen-and-paper journaling (it has several benefits!), get a good-looking notebook, and a pen or a pencil. But if you would rather use your phone, tablet, or computer, you can use a journal app as well.
  3. Keep your journal handy. Setting up your environment so that you remember to journal is vital. Don’t bury your journal or put it in a dusty corner. Keep it visible in the are that you will be journaling at.
  4. Set the ambiance: Minimizing the distractions (turning off the TV, phone, music, etc.) can help you focus on journaling. Maybe you can even light a candle to make you feel more at home.
  5. Repeat journaling to solidify this habit in your schedule.

Establishing a habit of journaling can be beneficial for you in many aspects, not only in tracking your habits (Habit journal). There are many different types of journals you can keep, here are a few ideas to check out:

  • Gratitude journal
  • Dream journal
  • Food journal
  • Reading journal
  • Fitness journal
  • Travel journal
  • Mindfulness journal
  • Pregnancy journal
  • Productivity journal

Habit tracker ideas for your bullet journal

If habit tracking is something you would like to try, besides getting the necessary tools (dotted grid notebook, pen), you will need to decide on which habits you want to track. In the following, we will discuss some ideas for bullet journal habits.

Health and wellness habit tracker ideas

health and wellness habits
  • Drink 8 glasses of water
  • Walk 10,000 steps
  • Exercise
  • Go to the gym
  • Quit smoking
  • Cook a healthy meal at home
  • Eat 5 servings of fruit/vegetables
  • Don’t eat junk food (or one particular type that you jus can’t resist)
  • Avoid sugar
  • Eat a nutrient-rich breakfast
  • Practice mindful eating
  • Wake up early
  • Go to bed on time/ get a certain number of hours of sleep

Related read: 8 Fitness Habits to Conquer This Year

Self-care habit tracker ideas

Cleaning and household habit tracker ideas

habit tracker bullet journal
  • Make the bed
  • Put the clothes away
  • Wash the dishes
  • Do laundry
  • Vacuum
  • Wash the floor
  • Take out the trash
  • Water the plants
  • Declutter a room

Relationships habit tracker ideas

  • Have a date night
  • Have a meaningful conversation with my partner
  • Spend quality time with family/friends
  • Have sex
  • Do a kind action for someone
  • Practice active listening
  • Call or write a message to a friend
  • Set a healthy relationship boundary
  • Read a bedtime story for the kids
  • Play with the kids

Productivity habit tracker ideas

habit tracker bullet journal
  • Use a Pomodoro timer
  • Respond to every important email
  • Start the day with the most important task on the to-do list
  • Finish every task on the to-do list
  • Tackle one new task
  • Remove distractions

Budgeting and money habit tracker ideas

  • Don’t eat out
  • Don’t buy coffee at Starbucks
  • Pay the bills
  • Save a certain amount of money
  • Spend under 10$

The bottom line

habit tracker bullet journal

Habit tracking can be a really helpful tool for anyone who would like to build better, healthy habits in their life – or dump some bad, unhealthy habits like smoking. It’s not as difficult or daunting of a task as you might think, and it doesn’t have to take up much time either. However, its important to note that habit tracking is just a tool and it should be used to your advantage. If you find yourself feeling stressed or obsessive over it, it may not be a good choice for you.

Although there are many different ways that you can track your daily, weekly, or even monthly habits, bullet journaling is certainly one of the most popular and easiest methods. Try a few of our habit tracker bullet journal ideas and change your life for the best!

Do you have a bullet journal? Are you tracking habits in it? Let me know in the comments!

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