How to Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle in these Crazy Times
Right now, it can be easy to get caught up in all the doom and gloom around us. While some of it may be directly affecting you, the truth of the matter is that a lot of it is just speculation and fear regarding the future.
On the flip side, a heart warming turn of events has brought our entire globe together as we fight to keep the COVID-19 virus under control. Going through my news feed, my emotions literally yo-yo between fear, anger, and hopelessness and then back to hope, humor, and joy. Phew.
So with so many things uncertain right now… Whether it’s our health, our jobs, our education or our children’s education, you may be asking yourself how the hell do I maintain a healthy lifestyle and stay sane right now?
Regaining a sense of normalcy
Many of us have found ourselves stuck at home, maybe even possibly out of a job, and with our kids home from school and wondering why they can’t play with their friends. Talk about piling on the drama and anxiety all at once.
My feelings were all over the place at first, somewhere between denial and fear. When I finally realized this social distancing thing was a for real, necessary thing… the feeling that I got from it all was one of isolation and feeling stuck. And this was coming from me, a stay at home working mom. Ironic, right? It was simply the fact that I couldn’t go out and socialize myself and my daughter when I wanted, or go grab groceries without fearing my 1 year old touching every germ covered surface in the store. It left me feeling like I had no freedom. Can anyone else relate? I’m guessing that is a resounding YES.
(P.S. If you’re not stuck at home because you are in the thick of this health battle on the medical front line, THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU. Your dedication and sacrifice is astounding!!! Or if you are driving trucks to keep us fed, keeping grocery stores open or any other essentials, thank you to you as well!)
Regaining freedom and maintaining a healthy lifestyle while stuck at home.
I’ve scoured the internet and matched it with my own experiences to put together the best ways to stay sane and healthy right now. Even once quarantine restrictions are loosened eventually, I can imagine we will all be a little hesitant to return to “life as normal,” whatever that is…. So keep these in mind!
1. Limit your screen time.
I chose to put this option first because of the amount of time we are now spending on our phones, computers, and television. I saw something today about the surge of Facebook users in the past week while under quarantine. There are two big concerns I want to address for screen time. Stress and stress. Stress from the constant bombardment of negative news that leaves us feeling frazzled and drained. And the literal stress hormones that our bodies are constantly dealing with when we subject ourselves to screen more often than not. Constant stress mode leaves our immune systems depleted and doesn’t gives our bodies the time for rest and recovery they need to stay optimized and healthy.
2. Have gratitude.
I deliberately chose this as the next option because of the importance of saying positive right now. One of the simplest ways to keep perspective? Be grateful. Tell your loved ones you appreciate them, write down what you’re most grateful for (big and small), or just pause for a moment to think. This is something I added to my daily routine about 2 years ago. It’s how I start my mornings and it leaves me feeling ready to take on each day with intention. This simple practice helps bring balance and reduce stress to help your immune system do its thing.
3. Create a schedule.
It was probably fun for a day or two to sit in your pajamas all day and binge watch a favorite Netflix show. But then it probably got real old, REAL quick. This is because your schedule is all out of sync. I’m not saying to fill a schedule just to stay “busy.” In fact, that is the exact opposite of what I want. However, do try to bring some intention to your days. Focus on bringing connection, learning, health, and any other topics that are important to you. This time at home can be spent catapulting your life to the next level rather than just waiting to “pick up where you left off.” Having rhythm in our daily lives helps us stay calm, clear-headed, and healthy.
4. Learn something new.
All I can say about the way the world of learning has changed in the past week is WOW. There are so many ways to learn right now. The global community has really stepped up to make it easier than ever. You know all those things you always wanted to do that you never had time for? Now is your chance! Whether it’s getting a garden started in your yard, learning a new language, signing up for an online course, getting certified in something that will help you in your career or at home… do it and get the whole family involved if you need to! Choosing something to add more purpose to your life right now will help you feel energized, both literally and figuratively.
5. Help someone out in need.
Right now, there are two options. We can get stuck feeling sorry for ourselves or we can lend a helping hand to those around us. Offering a genuine hand to others helps us feel connected and fulfilled, a fast track to keeping your entire body in balance. So bust out of your own pity party and help those who need it most (I know it can be hard!). An exhausted healthcare worker, truck driver, grocery store employee, or elderly neighbor need you… be there for them in this time of need!
6. Exercise at home.
Another amazing community that has stepped up to bring health and movement to the masses is the exercise community. There has always been plenty of inspiration on YouTube. Yet, now there are so many free live classes to join too. The best part? No equipment needed! Staying active with regular exercise is so important for mental health, circulation, hormone balance, and on and on. So get moving! Even if you live in studio apartment, there is room if you get creative with how to bring physical activity to your own home.
7. Embrace cooking at home.
What the single best way to start eating better? Cook from home! No, you don’t need fancy ingredients from your local organic store for healthy eating. Anything will do. Because simply knowing exactly what’s in your food and enjoying what you made makes a huge difference in your relationship with food. Of course, when possible shoot for a whole foods plant based diet. If you’re struggling with coming up with ideas every night, get your family’s input or try a pre-planned meal service.
If you have spices at home like ginger, turmeric, garlic and onion these are all great immune system boosters that you can add to really any dish. Add some fresh product packed with nutrients and your body will thank you. Lastly, don’t forget to stay hydrated!
8. Get high quality sleep.
In times of high stress like this sleep is more important than ever. And it’s not just about the number of hours. It’s about the quality of sleep too. It’s amazing how many of us have terrible sleep hygiene and then wonder why we have chronic low energy. (I’m guilty!) For tips see my article on maximizing sleep quality.
9. Get vitamin D.
Vitamin D is crucial for proper body function, including the immune system. You can get it fortified in dairy products or as a supplement. However, try to get some sunshine! Even if it means sitting in a window right now. We all know that sense of calm and health we get when we close our eyes and just bask in the sunlight. Shoot for 10-30 minutes of sunlight a few times a week on as much skin as possible without offending your neighbors or freezing your butt off (depending on the season) 🙂 Don’t sit out so long you get sunburned!
10. Visualize.
Create a healing, positive environment in your body, mind and home with visualization. Internally, this might mean taking time to meditate or simply think about your current life and how you’d like it to be in the future. Externally, this might means de-cluttering, creating a vision board, or other simple tricks to feel organized and less stressed at home. And remember, less stress and more purpose = a stronger immune system!
11. Get grounded.
Getting grounded is all about tapping in to the literal energy of the earth (I know, it’s sounds fluffy but the science is actually super cool). And even if you’re stuck in your apartment there are ways to get connected. Did you know that water has so many healing properties, one of them being grounding? So if your location allows it, get outside in your bare feet and enjoy the warm spring days that are now coming. Otherwise, draw yourself a bath and get relaxing.
12. Quit your bad habits.
Have alcohol, tobacco, junk food, or social media addictions? (Mine is always that darn junk food.) Now is your time to make a change or, without sounding too harsh, continue to use them as a crutch. Habit changes like quitting smoking are easier to make when there is a major event that motivates you… it may not be best case scenario but your new fear for your health can finally be used to your advantage! Each step in the right direction is saying yes to your health, whether it’s managing heart disease, weight loss, dieting, or minimizing future risk of issues like cancer or diabetes.
12. The bottom line: LET GO.
All the negative emotions we’re experiencing right now have to do with so much being unknown. So much of it is out of our control right now. And you know what you can do to change things out of your control? NOTHING. So as hard it may be, we’ve all got to learn to let go and focus on areas we can control. That means focusing on all these simple health tips (1-12 above) and continuing to thrive in our own bubbles.
Healthy living doesn’t have to be complicated.
Did you happen to notice that not one thing on this list requires any money investment or special tools? They may seem too simple, but the truth is that all you need is a little awareness for sustainable health. So pick any one of the options above (or all of them!) and get started in the right direction… because now is always the best time to make positive changes and boost your immune system. The only thing stopping you is your own beliefs.
When looking through the list above do negative thoughts come to mind? Think you don’t have time? You’re not dedicated enough? It’s too complicated? The kids won’t be on board? Etc, etc, blah, blah? Take a second to re-evaluate. Are any of these knee-jerk reactions to change even true? If you really think about it, the answer is probably no. It’s just your body and mind resisting change. Because, for some reason our bodies like to resist change even when we know darn well that it would be good for us. So instead of coming up with excuses, decide that today is the day you will do something different. For you, for your family, for the globe… just do it!
Where are you going to start focusing your energy this week? I’m focusing on learning new things that can help me help others find truth health in their lives. I’d love to hear what you’re working on in these crazy times!
Stay safe and healthy out there everyone.