10 Habits That’ll Instantly Boost Mental Clarity
In today’s world, constant demands and pressures often take over, emphasizing the vital need to prioritize mental well-being. From handling stress to conquering anxiety or seeking inner peace, enhancing mental health stands as a shared goal for many. Inspired by a poignant online query—”How do you boost your mental well-being?”—this collection showcases the top ten responses, offering guidance on the journey to a happier, healthier mind.
1. Maintain a Clean Space
A tidy space impacts our well-being and can significantly influence our experiences, even on complex or challenging days.
A writer said, “Try and keep my house relatively tidy. A bad day in a tidy house feels much better than a bad day in a mess.” Most people agreed, and a mom added, “I agree. I have 2 kids under 2, and my mental health is suffering. I keep my house as clean as possible for my happiness since it feels like it’s all I have right now.”
2. Elevate and Energize
A person said from experience that working out and exercising will help tremendously.
Another said, “Exercise, particularly weight training, does wonders for my energy, mood, and sleep and decreases anxiety and depression. I did joint compressions on my autistic son for OT, and I think the weight training is similar for me.”
3. Leaving Toxic People
It’s okay to leave some people behind; it can be crucial to personal growth and well-being. A Redditor said she felt so much better when she made peace with leaving toxic people behind. Another added, “It doesn’t matter if they’re family or friends; they can be cut out if necessary.
4. Stay Hydrated
Drinking lots of water is a surefire way to keep your mental and physical well-being on point. A writer said, “My sister got me a giant water bottle for my birthday. I always thought it was an exaggeration when people said, “Drinking lots of water makes you feel amazing!” Bruh, I have so much more energy. I’m not as hungry and feel much better since I’ve started drinking a ton of water daily.”
5. Soak Up the Sun and Get Vitamin D
Vitamin D is crucial in regulating feel-good hormones in the brain. Serotonin is often called the “feel-good” hormone associated with mood stabilization.
According to a person Living in the upper Midwest of the United States, “Taking vitamin D supplements has proven to be a game-changer for my mental health. The positive effects have been nothing short of remarkable.”
6. Walk Your Way to Mental Wellness
As cliche, as it sounds but going for a walk helps with mental health tremendously.
A user said, “People always say ‘a walk for mental health,’ and first I didn’t believe them, till I also did it. It works if you need some peace back up there.”
“It’s pretty amazing how much a long walk can help on a bad day. Especially with some music playing. Our bodies want movement, it’s how we’re built. A healthy meal or two and a few walks can really turn around a stressful few days.” Another added.
7. Pawsitive Therapy
Playtime with your pets is the best therapy ever, and most people agree on this. A person shared, “I call my chickens my emotional support animals. They got me through covid.”
Another added, “My dog has helped enormously with my mental health. Sister got her for me, I’m separated and live alone and it so much nicer to come home to!”
8. Journaling
Journaling is a great place to start if you’re looking for ways to improve your mental health!
A writer said, “Journaling is one of the best ways to improve mental health. It allows us to reflect on our thoughts, emotions, and experiences and can help us better understand ourselves and our lives. It can also help reduce stress and anxiety, build self-awareness, and increase self-esteem.”
9. Ditch the Digital Noise
Social media can be brutal. A writer suggested bidding farewell to social media can help your mental health soar. By eliminating or reducing your consumption of these platforms, you create space for genuine experiences.
10. Spend Time in the Garden or Outdoors
A person shared, “I like to do meditation or yoga outdoors. It helps me to recenter and put any stressors into perspective.”
Another said, “Sitting in the garden helps me a lot. It gets me outdoors a little; some sunshine, digging, and playing in the dirt help me feel grounded, and watching new life sprout makes me happy and giddy. Also, there’s the food. I love food. There is nothing like a sweet cherry tomato straight from the garden.”
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