The Top 5 Healthiest Countries in the World
And How to Adopt Their Habits Immediately
There are numerous countries offering their residents excellent health care and priding themselves in building a clean and healthy environment for their population. This focus has lead to greater quality life and longer life span.
Life expectancy as a health gauge.
The countries that have the highest life expectancy are generally considered to be the healthiest countries in the world. The healthy lifestyle habits they have contribute to this number.
Quality over quantity.
While life expectancy can be important. Living a long miserable life is no what anyone strives for. Thus, there are many other factors that lead to helping a country to be ranked amongst the healthiest countries in the world including the economic conditions of the country, access to health care, happiness index and pollution level.
We can learn from these countries.
If you are trying to find a healthy country to live (and raise our kids) without being threatened by diseases or death, have a look at the following top 5 healthiest countries in the world. These countries are flourishing so take notes!
Surprisingly, the UK, US, and Australia aren’t on the list.

Estimated life expectancy: 82.4 years
Iceland is one of the healthiest countries in the world, having an extremely long life expectancy of 82.4 and low rates of infant mortality and pollution. Despite literal months of darkness each year, Iceland is also one of the happiest countries in the world.
The secret?
A Fish Heavy Diet
The Icelandic diet includes a big breakfast (eaten at home rather than on-the-go), fresh seafood, and quality meat and dairy products. Government policy plays a big role, too. Iceland’s great strides in utilizing clean, renewable and sustainable energy also play a part in healthier, fresher and tastier food.
A few of the most used fish in Iceland are cod, herring, arctic char, salmon and bluefin tuna, all of which are full of omega-3 fatty acids. A fish-heavy diet packed with heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids has been stated by some experts as a reason why so many on this island of 320,000 people live well into the golden age.

Water therapy
Icelanders swear by the health advantages of natural hot springs. Many locals credit the volcanically heated waters with their health and longevity. In addition to providing beneficial exposure to nature, natural minerals and detoxification through sweating. Hot water provides Icelanders with a family-friendly place of relaxation to catch on quality time and reduce toxic stress.
To be able to beat those intense winter blues with very little sunlight, Icelanders regularly go to the gym. They’ve taken the cue that exercising on a regular basis can both keep you physically active and improve mood. Ice climbing, mountain climbing, and kayaking are popular leisure activities.

Estimated life expectancy: 82.9 years
Switzerland is not just one of the happiest, wealthiest countries, but is also listed on the list of the healthiest in the world. The estimated life expectancy for this European country is 82.9 years.
The Swiss are definitely doing anything right!
The secret?
Exceptional Health Care System
Maybe it’s all that fresh mountain air or perhaps it’s their exceptional health care system. What we all know is that exploring the incredible Swiss Alps, or visiting cities like Geneva or Zurich (as clean as they are stunning) can make you feel jolly, healthy, and full of esteem for the Swiss way of life.
Lowest Rate of Depression
Switzerland has got the eighth-lowest rate of depression in the world, which can have a large effect on the workforce and economy. Depression is ranked as the leading reason behind disability worldwide.
Pedestrian-Friendly Population
Like a lot of European countries, many cities in Switzerland are extremely pedestrian-friendly and very walkable. Though many big cities like Geneva have public transportation, lots of people choose to walk.

Home of Chocolate
Switzerland is the home of some of the finest chocolate in the world. Therefore, it’s not surprising that Switzerland has the highest chocolate consumption per capita of any country in the world. Dark chocolate is believed to have protective anti-oxidative properties, with some studies stating it may reduce the chances of heart attacks and strokes. Other studies shows that it can actually have anti-aging benefits.

Estimated life expectancy: 83.1 years
You will be stunned to know that the average life expectancy in Singapore is 83.1 years. It is rated as one of the healthiest countries in the world. Singapore has a population of around 5.5 million people, making this statistic rather impressive. This is a significantly large number of citizens with a higher average life expectancy!
The secret?
Anti-Smoking Laws
This bustling Asian city-state ranks third on the list of highest life expectancy, a proven fact that probably has something to do with the country’s anti-smoking laws. The country first banned smoking in theaters and buses in 1970; the ban was then extended to prohibit smoking generally in most indoor and populated outdoor areas.
Finest Hygiene System
Singaporeans have some of the finest hygiene in the world and come together to keep their city clean. The government is noted for promoting a clean and healthy environment through fairly strict rules and laws when it comes to nature.

Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Their diet that is full of fresh vegetables and fruit, extra virgin olive oil, lean meats, and fish. People of different ages also take part in tai chi, walking, and jogging. Their consumption of a number of foods and active lifestyle both contribute greatly to their health!

Estimated life expectancy: 83.1 years
Italians tend to live a longer life with their average life expectancy at almost 83.1 years. Italians love taking care of their health, usually through the diet.
The secret?

Eating a Traditional Mediterranean Diet
Contrary to popular belief, Italians don’t constantly eat pasta and drink wine. They usually follow a Mediterranean style diet rich with fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, and the right amounts of extra virgin olive oil. A Mediterranean diet is believed to be one of the healthiest and sustainable to follow so it’s not surprising that this is the reason Italy have scored so highly. Moreover, they often satisfy a sweet tooth with fruits in place of sweet desserts.
Active Lifestyle
In Italy, movement is simply ingrained in their culture from strolling through the fantastic outdoors to walking from shop to shop to get their groceries. Italians take 28% of their journeys on foot, so prescribed “exercise” isn’t that necessary. Walk more, drive less is their policy!
Well Integrated Communities
Nowadays, people are spending a lot less time communally thanks to long work hours and the internet. In Italy, people still place lots of importance on spending time with each other, particularly over a meal. Discussing news as a group and even mourning together after having a sad event helps keep them healthy. Studies state that people who are well integrated into their communities and get regular meaningful social interaction live longer, healthier lives. Plus, Italians know the secret that life is more fun when it’s shared with loved ones!

Estimated life expectancy: 83.7 years
The Japanese have the longest life span with an average life expectancy of 83.7. Japan in particular has a variety of different reasons that allows the people to live a healthier and longer life.
The secret?
Eating a Balanced Diet
Their diet is healthy and well balanced, consisting of fish, seafood, whole grains, vegetables, and tofu. This healthy way of eating reflects in the country’s rate of obesity, that is impressively low. It hardly needs saying that obesity has become a worldwide health burden especially since it’s associated with every chronic disease from coronary heart problems to diabetes and even cancer.
The Best Healthcare System
The Japanese healthcare system is known as one of the world’s best with an ideal combination of advanced medical knowledge and equipment, preventative care and a holistic patient approach. The Government pays at least 70% of the cost of procedures. For a developed country, it’s a truly cheap and efficient arrangement.
Good Genes
Access to good healthcare and a tendency towards fish really help the Japanese live longer – but there are a few studies that state their longevity may be due to good genes.
Other Healthy Habits
This includes their green tea drinking habits, their bathing habits, and possibly even the fact they have a national holiday dedicated to mountains. They’re really one health-conscious nation!

Genuine Love of Nature
Traditionally Japanese are all very caring towards their environment. They truly respect rules and laws and have an excellent interest in nature.
How we can embrace the habits of these healthy cultures.
No matter where you live you can take get inspiration from some of your favorite countries and cultures to maximize your quality of life and health.
It’s pretty simple.
The healthy and varied food culture, along with the active lifestyle of these countries, awarded them their spots on the list of the healthiest countries in the world. Try your best to follow suit! Even if you have no plans to visit any of these countries, you can still make small changes to live like the people in the healthiest countries in the world!
Still not sure where to start? Check out more about 5 easy steps to health with the power of GREEN.
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