12 Ways to Be Grateful Even in the Midst of Difficult Times
In the simple things we do every day, there are special treasures, like saying thank you. In our busy lives, we often miss the easy things that make us happy. In online groups, people share smart and powerful ways to bring gratitude into our daily lives. Come with us as we explore the magic of gratitude!
The Kindness Ripple Effect
Cherish each act of kindness, and pay it forward. A user said, “When people are nice to you, sincerely thank them for their help, use it to get back on your feet so you can help others when you can, and most of all, don’t start expecting them to help you out and especially don’t act offended if they’re unable to anymore.”
Gratitude Alarm
Kickstart each day with a gentle reminder to reflect on gratitude. A user said, “The alarm I wake up to daily has a message asking me to think about something I’m grateful for every morning. Some days it doesn’t work, and I ignore it, but just the times I’ve been able to stick to it and do it has made my life considerably happier.”
Starting Small, Feeling Big
Someone writes, “Start by being grateful for things that are easy to be grateful for. A beautiful sunrise or sunset. Rain or sunshine, love, moments of joy. And try to feel it in the moment. Give thanks right then. It will feel good, and you will begin to seek that feeling out.”
Appreciate Often
The good ol’ phrases “please” and “thank you” can create remarkable connections. A user said, “My wife is in the habit of using the phrase “thank you so much” when dealing with retail workers. It never ceases to amaze me how these retail workers will go out of their way to help my wife.”
The Power of Exchanging Gratitude
A user said, “My husband and I play a “3 things” game, especially when we need perspective to get us mentally into a healthier space. Take turns saying something for which you are grateful. It can be big or small. But it can’t be too general.
For example, you couldn’t say I’m grateful for my spouse. But you could say that I’m grateful my spouse helped me clean my car, got me through an illness, or had a great laugh, etc. Or I’m grateful for an amazing meal, a funny moment, your Lego Eiffel Tower. It’s simple and effective every time. The hardest part is getting started.” A genius way to bond with your loved ones and get mental clarity.
Imagined Absence
A user said, “I don’t know if this works for everyone, but it helps me practice gratitude when I think about how I’d feel without whatever I’m grateful for. Imaging it gone is a really easy way to appreciate what I have.” Super effective.
Another user added, “Just pause and think about good things and appreciate having them in your life. What if things were different? What if the things you love weren’t there? How great is it that you have them!? Don’t you feel lucky now?”
The Five Minute Gratitude Journal
Cultivate a thankful heart by writing things you appreciate in your life. Someone said, “I use the 5 Minute Journal. It only takes 5 minutes or less of your day to fill out, and it asks you to write down three things you are grateful for, 3 things that would make your day great, and 2 daily affirmations you get to make for that day.
It’s a wonderful tool, helps me keep my mind grounded during the day, and helps me look forward to what I have planned!” Interesting!
Discover Joy in Old Photographs
Someone said, “This isn’t an everyday thing, but I love going down the rabbit hole of going back and looking at old photos, just starting from the present and going back. The appreciation for those moments feels greater in retrospect, and you see how grand of a life you have lived. It makes you cherish the present as you create new memories.”
Focus on the Positives
Even in the darkest moments, learn to find something positive. A user said, “If all you see is the worst in everything, then that’s all your gonna get. Always look at the silver lining. Look at the bright side of all things. Easier said than done.”
Meditation with Counted Blessings
Meditation is powerful. A user said, “I started incorporating gratitude into my meditation. I do mindfulness, where I count my inhalation and exhalation to 10. 1 on in, 1 on out, 2 on in, 2 on out. I count to 10 and start over. Anything I ‘hear’ other than numbers, I notice as a thought and then return to counting. So I started saying one thing I was grateful for before I returned to counting. At first, it was difficult to come up with anything because my thoughts showed up so rapidly. But after a few days, the things to be grateful for would flood in. It’s a nice little trick I found.”
Practice, Practice, Practice
Like anything, having more gratitude for daily life will require practice. Schedule it into your calendar, put in on your phone, and stay consistent until it’s a full blown habit.
Air in the Lungs
Get out in some fresh air and take a deep breathe. Take a moment to appreciate the clean air going into your lungs and revitalizing your body. Such a simple yet amazing thing we often take for granted!
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