14 Small Habit Changes That Will Make a Big Impact on Your Future Goals
Occasionally, it’s the unassuming, steadfast routines that produce the most substantial results. These subtle changes might go unnoticed at first, but as time progresses, they accumulate momentum and instigate profound transformations. Recently, a curious member of an online community initiated a lively discussion by inquiring about the small habits that have sparked meaningful changes in people’s lives.
10 Minutes to Tidy
A user said, “I just moved out of my parents’ house and was reading tips to save time. The best one I ever read was “Set a timer for 10 minutes every day and clean. Once the timer ends, you’re done.” You’d be surprised how much cleaning you can get done in 10 minutes.” Super convenient.
Working Out
Someone writes, “I’m overweight on account of lifestyle factors (that I’ll work on one of these days, honest), but I work out 4 to 5 times a week and have been doing so for about ten years. I have no idea where I’d be in life were it not for exercise. I no longer am prone to full-blown panic attacks like I was in my early 20s, nor do I have sleep problems like before I regularly exercised.”
“10 minutes every day of push-ups, situps, stretches, etc. makes a surprising difference. Takes a month or two, but you will be impressed.” Another user said.
Creating a Sleep Schedule
Keeping a sleep schedule and sticking to it is crucial. Someone said, “I have found this to be my biggest health and professional success factor. Sleep is sacred to me. Too many people laugh at their lack of it. You don’t know what you are missing in terms of performance.”
Track Your Spending
Use an app or a sheet of paper to track your expenses. It automatically helps you save money. A user said, “I’ve been tracking every penny in and out of my accounts for nearly ten years. I use a spreadsheet of my design. It means I found something online and tweaked it according to my needs.
I use one sheet yearly, broken up into two-week intervals (I.E., one section for each paycheque). It allows me to look ahead and predict any major upcoming expenses (rent, phone bills, gas, insurance payments, etc.).It’s amazing how quickly you can change some habits just by seeing where your money goes and where your money needs to go.”
Instant Maintenance
A user wrote, “Just stay on top of the messes you make. When you finish your food, start cleaning everything, wipe stuff up the second you spill it, take dirty clothes to the laundry right after your shower, etc. I guarantee you will be happier living in a clean place rather than letting momentary convenience dictate your life.”
Drink More Water
It’s amazing how much of a difference staying hydrated can make. Someone said, “I use an app called Plant Nanny to remind me to drink enough water daily. You track your water intake by “watering” a little cartoon plant. I can forget my water intake, so it’s nice to be reminded not to kill my virtual plant friend.”
Maintain Dental Hygiene
Brushing teeth properly and regularly makes a difference in your overall health. A dentist said, “Maintaining your oral hygiene is the best advice. Most of us would be out of the job if people just BRUSHED their teeth.”
Having End Cap Routines
Someone said, “It can be anything, but just doing the same set of things to cap off every day (journaling, reading, going for a walk, planning, whatever) will anchor you and give a feeling of control and structure, even if everything else is a raging dumpster fire.” Interesting and productive!
Challenge Your Thoughts
Confront your unhealthy thoughts. A user said, “We often judge others by their actions and ourselves by our intentions. We should probably take a moment to reflect on this and pull back from judgmental first impressions we form of other people.”
Reading Before Bed
Reading a book before bed instead of staying on your phone is beneficial. A user said, “I was having trouble falling asleep and heard that reading helped, rather than sitting in front of a screen. Even if it was a gripping book, I fell asleep way faster once I put it down than if I’d been flipping through my phone for an hour before bed.”
Joyful Gratitude
Someone said, “It sounds hippie-ish, but finding beauty in everything and showing appreciation for things that make you happy. My rule is to find at least 2 things I find beautiful every day. The only rule is that I can’t be like, “Wow, my dog is beautiful,” 10 times a day. Other than that, the sky is the limit. I recommend leaving the house and going on walks to find these things.” That sounds great!
Make Your Bed
Someone said, “Making your bed in the morning is the first step to changing the world.”
Moisturize Daily
A user writes, “Moisturize, people, moisturize! Even if you don’t moisturize any other part of your body, at the very least, make sure your face gets some love. So many wrinkles can be prevented or postponed. So many.”
Add One Fruit or Vegetable to Each Meal
All the added nutrients from an extra side of produce can give your body that extra boost or energy its needs. This can help you work out harder, sleep better, and beyond.
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