16 Deal Breakers That’ll Quickly End Even the Best of Relationships
Numerous influential elements hold the power to mold the dynamics between two individuals in a relationship, either fortifying their bond or stalling its advancement entirely. Stemming from significant differences in core values, irreconcilable lifestyles, or unresolved conflicts, these factors frequently act as catalysts, leading individuals to reassess their relationships and consider the possibility of parting ways.
Within the digital realm of online communities, users have openly engaged in discussions regarding prevalent deal breakers that have led people to reconsider their partnerships and confront the challenging decision of what lies ahead.
Non Stop Socializing

Constantly being in social settings lead to feelings of overwhelm and burnout. A user said, “Demanding we go and be social daily with no downtime for ourselves is a significant deal breaker.” This is particularly true for any introverts that enjoy time at home recharging.
Lack of Personal Hygiene

Personal hygiene is essential to self-care and reflects how much a person values their well-being and appearance. Many users believe that when one partner neglects their hygiene, it can lead to discomfort and serious issues in the relationship.
Being Treated Disrespectfully

Someone wrote, “Being treated disrespectfully: your partner should always treat you as you would yourself or better.”
Another user said, “I’m legitimately shocked seeing two people in a relationship tell each other to shut up.”
Domestic Violence

Many users said domestic violence is a severe and unacceptable issue that affects relationships and households. It involves abusive behavior, either physical, emotional, psychological, or financial, exerted by one partner towards another within an intimate setting. When dealing with an abuser, the best answer is always to get out.
No Room for Play

It could be an issue if a partner cannot engage in light-hearted and playful activities or “goof off” without it becoming a problem in the relationship. Someone said, “Oh my god, this is so spot on. I mean, I usually think of this as something that I look at as compatible. But, no, it’s essential. If I can’t laugh with you, like a gut laugh, it’s a problem.”
Mentioning Exes Constantly

Someone said, “Mentioning exes constantly is a huge red flag. My girlfriend used to compare me to her ex, favorably or unfavorably. She tried to guilt me into doing things by saying, “[their ex] used to do that.” I’ve been burned too many times by women who do this.”
Being Kept a Secret

Someone said, “It always feels like they’re either ashamed to be associated with you or keeping the back door open so they can ditch you with minimal drama if they feel like it.”
Addiction to Social Media

“If we can’t eat without them taking 50 pics/videos, I’m walking out.” A user said.
Another user shared, “After getting back into dating, I had one coffee meet-up that went like that. Talking on the phone and texting? Awesome, flirtatious, and fun. Meeting in real life? I sat across from a grown-up who said half a dozen words to me for an hour. And FURIOUSLY texted the other 55 minutes. We did not hang out again.”
Emotional Disconnect

A user said, “Unable to communicate emotions or worse, not understanding why they are feeling the way they do and blaming their loved ones, which results in lack of empathy for those who can communicate needs or lack of empathy in general. Total breakdown of a relationship.”
The Imbalance of Effort

Someone shared, “When they don’t put in the same effort as you. Suppose I’m trying to show you that I value you and make you feel valued by communicating consistently. I expect the same in return. You have to give me the world. I want reciprocated interest. Otherwise, you very quickly become unattractive.”
Love vs. Ambition

Someone said, “Too career-focused. It’s not like I need her to be a SAHM, but those who work 70 hours/week are very tough to be with. A relationship doesn’t make sense if your entire life revolves around your job.”
Name Calling

“Arguing is fine and healthy when done properly. There is no turning back once things resort to calling the other names.” Someone said.

A user writes, “I can’t and won’t date a dude with any history of cheating. Loyalty is more important to me than love.”
Poor Adulting Skills

Not being up to clean up after themselves or pay their bills on time will lead to a major headache and disaster.

Vastly different beliefs about life can be a quick deal breaker- especially when one person views their religion choice as superior to the other person’s choices. Pressuring someone to joint a specific religion is just icing on the cake.
Lack of Alone Time

Loving someone doesn’t mean every second has to be spent with them. Spending too much time together can quickly lead to burnout. Setting boundaries is essential.
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