man confused disgusted mad

11 Ridiculous “Green” Trends That Are Actually Harming the Environment

The increasing global enthusiasm for a greener, more environmentally sustainable world has spawned numerous eco-friendly trends, each promising to make a positive difference for our planet. However, it’s essential to maintain discernment, as not all trends are as authentic as they may seem. Some environmentally-conscious practices could be nothing more than clever marketing strategies, offering more of an illusion of environmental benefits than actual substance.

In a recent online conversation, community members passionately shed light on instances of greenwashing, unveiling trends that ultimately contribute little to the well-being of our planet.


woman thinking glasses red hair
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The notion of purchasing new items solely based on their “eco-friendly” label can often be misleading. A user said, “The whole consumerist idea about buying new things simply because they’re eco-friendly. Manufacturing and shipping are not eco-friendly.”

Paper Straws

woman holding a coffee in yellow with glasses thinking
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Paper straws are certainly contradictory to eco-efforts. A user said, “Paper straws always annoy me. Yes, I will place my paper straw through my PLASTIC LID and sometimes into my ENTIRETY PLASTIC CUP. You are helping in a small way, but you still massively damaging the environment with your plastic waste.” Couldn’t agree more!

Biodegradable Plastic

nervous woman biting her nail glasses
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

A user said, “biodegradable plastic (PLA)… sure it will breakdown, but what it breaks down to is still a version of plastic. This “liquid” plastic can mix with the leachate in landfills and cause problems further down the line. This is why you can’t compost this material.”

Electric Cars

Father teaching his teenage son to drive a car
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

Someone writes, “The cars themselves use no gas to run but producing and shipping the battery, other components, and the cars themselves are done on the backbone of fossil fuels. Not to mention, a lot of people’s electricity to charge said car comes from a fossil fuel power plant.”

Green Household Cleaners

woman confused why
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

A user said, “Most of them still contain awful chemicals that get flushed down the water system. Household cleaners usually have high VOCs, and studies show that cleaning regularly with bleach products has a similar effect on your lungs as smoking.”

Fast Fashion Sustainable Lines

Gorgeous empowered woman
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

Several fast fashion brands have introduced “sustainable” clothing lines to appear environmentally conscious. A user wrote, “The core business model of fast fashion, which relies on rapid production and consumption, contradicts sustainability goals. These lines might use slightly better materials, but they perpetuate the throwaway culture.”

Bottled Water

healthy woman drinking water
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

Someone said, “Bottled water companies often say their water comes from Pristine natural springs. But buying bottled water creates a lot of plastic garbage and uses a lot of energy to make and transport the bottles. This can be worse for the environment than good things about the water’s source.”

Plant-Based Junk food

woman eating burger fast food
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

A user said, “The rise of plant-based diets is a positive trend for both health and the environment. However, the healthiness of plant-based foods can vary widely. Many plant-based alternatives, like burgers and snacks, can still be highly processed.” (contains excessive amounts of salt, sugar, and unhealthy fats.)

Disposable Products

shocked surprised troubled man
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Eco-friendly disposable products are a scam. Even if made from sustainable materials, they still contribute to waste. Reusable alternatives are often more eco-friendly in the long run.

Water Bottles

Woman in a green T-shirt are holding a box of plastic bottles
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

Yes, having a reusable water bottle is a great way to reduce place water bottle use. BUT, having 50 of them for every occasion that eventually goes in the landfill is not.


cute baby sitting on the bed
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While recyclable diapers would be an amazing step in reducing landfill waste, eco-friendly diapers have not gotten this far yet. While they may have more sustainable production lines, it’s important to remember that the end product still ends up in a trash bin- when considering prices vs reusable diapers.

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