11 Best Podcasts to Live Life with Meaning
Central to spirituality is the belief in a transcendent force beyond our individual existence, often expressed as a Divine Power or Energy in diverse cultural and religious traditions. Practices like meditation and prayer offer profound pathways to explore one’s spirituality, fostering a deep connection with oneself, others, and the vast world. Embracing these principles can empower individuals to navigate life with a sense of purpose and heightened optimism.
When asked which podcasts are the best, an online forum community highly recommends these 11.
1. 10% Happier Podcast

“I wouldn’t say “best” but I enjoy 10% Happier’s podcast. The format. The entry-level and skeptical take.” Says one Redditor. Others agreed that there were great learning points in the podcast, even if it’s a little hard to listen to the host sometimes- it’s one worth checking out.
2. Ram Dass Here and Now

Redditors had all positive things to say about this podcast. Others were excited to check it out after looking it up. Another must listen.
3. Tara Brach

“Tara Brach – meditation teacher, psychologist, and author. Her teaching blends Western psychology and Eastern spiritual practices. She does a weekly meditation and lecture.”
4. Be Here Now Network

The network, which is mentioned several times throughout the Reddit thread, has its own podcast. Plus, many of the guests that appear have their own. “Anyone who’s a part of the Be Here Now network. I also love Jack Kornfield, Raghu Markus, and Krishna Dass (all have podcasts.)” Agrees one user.
Another says, “I would recommend the OP to check out a handful of shows on the BHN Network and see who they mesh with.”
5. Duncan Trussell Family Hour Podcast

This podcast is great for all ages. “Duncan & Ram Dass put me on my spiritual journey haha” says one Redditor. What a great way to get kids involved in mindfulness, too!
6. Insight Hour with Joseph Goldstein

“This guy resonated me like none other!” Agrees one user.
7. Deconstructing Yourself

“For more esoteric and deeper talks, Deconstructing Yourself and Buddhist Geek catalogs are good.” Shares one writer.
8. Sam Harris Waking Up App

“Check out Sam Harris’ Waking up app. It’s has the most in-depth content on this topic.” Many others agree to check it out.
9. The Ranveer Show

“It covers many things that are not related to meditation and spirituality, but there are a lot of episodes on Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Sufism, and Zoroastrianism (Very diverse).
The podcast talks more about the Dharmic Religions because it’s based in India. There are two shows available one in Hindi another one in English.”
10. The One You Feed

“”The One You Feed” with Eric Zimmer. Fantastic podcast that interviews different people in the mindfulness field and explores their take on meditation, spiritual practice and just how they feed their best selves.”
11. Finding Our Way

A highly recommended podcast on Audible about how changing ourselves is the first step in changing the world.
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