5 Mistakes People Make When Starting a 30 Day Challenge

Starting a 30 day challenge can be fun! They’re super popular nowadays for a wide variety of topics (health related and not) because it is the average amount of time it takes to start building a new habit that will stick. While 30 days isn’t a magic number, it is a great place to start for gaining momentum.

Unfortunately, many 30 day challenge ambitions crash and burn within a few days because we don’t adequately prepare or realistically understand the challenges we are undertaking. I’m going to cover the top 5 mistakes people make so that you can get started on the right foot this time and feel proud of your progress, instead of frustrated and overwhelmed!

30 day challenge, goal purpose
What’s the purpose of the goals you are setting?


Often, we jump right into 30 day challenges without doing the necessary base work first. The first step should always be asking yourself why you want to achieve a certain goal. If you don’t have a strong and inspiring reason, you won’t reach your goal no matter how hard you try.

You should never set goals or start a 30 day challenge based on unrealistic expectations (yours or society’s) or what you think you “should be doing.” What you choose to focus on should be based on what will truly help you thrive in your life. This will take some deep reflection.

We covered this topic on video a few weeks ago. It’s so important for getting started with your goals on the right foot. (You can review the video or check out the article about it for more insight).

focus on the right goal
Are you focusing on the right goal?

NUMBER TWO: Focusing on the wrong “goal.”

Your goals should be in alignment with your why and as detailed as possible. Often, we set goals we think we need, like “I need to eat less… exercise more… look a certain way, etc.” 🏋️‍♀️🤸‍♀️

For example, the goal “I want to lose weight” is useless. 🙃 I could chop your leg off and you would reach that goal. Instead, make it a detailed goal that gives you an idea for exactly what you need to do next. Like, “I want to eat within a 10 hour window (aka intermittent fasting) for the next 30 days to boost my energy levels in the afternoon, sleep better, and minimize bloating.” 💪

For more details on how to set better goals and ideas on where to start, you can check out last week’s blog article about 30 day challenge ideas.

have a plan
Road blocks are inevitable, have a plan!

NUMBER THREE: Not being prepared for road blocks.

Hiccups and detours are a part of life. When we don’t learn to roll with the punches, it can completely throw our progress with a 30 day challenge off before it even makes any sustainable changes.

Part of the process in building healthy habits is identifying bad habits and other limiting beliefs that could potentially derail your progress. When you can identify them, you can then start working on de-programming them and having a plan in place when they come up.

Life is messy and there is no such thing as perfect health. So do your best, be prepared when possible, and always give yourself grace!!
This week’s article is all about finding grace as you work on building true health and a life that you love. Check it out for more inspiration

accountability partner
Get an accountability partner (or two)

NUMBER FOUR: Not finding ways to hold yourself accountable.

Who is holding you and your health goals accountable right now?

Having an empowering community or partner is a game changer for staying accountable to your health goals. Sharing your goals out loud with others helps them feel real and ultimately keeps you motivated. 💪

Willpower and motivation only go so far if you keep all your hopes and dreams to yourself. Tap into your potential and make the entire experience much more enjoyable with the right support!

That’s exactly why I created a Facebook group. It’s also why coaching is such a trending business, because having that extra support is enough to keep you on your toes and finally gain momentum.

I know a lot of us are still limited in our social interaction right now. That’s why I wrote an article last month about finding a virtual accountability partner.

choose goals that you can achieve
Don’t bite off more than you can chew when setting health goals.

NUMBER FIVE: Choosing too big of a goal.

Micro-commitments are what you need to make real sustainable progress. Rather than trying to take massive action that’s hard to sustain, focus on taking one step in the right direction each day and start gaining momentum. 😎

You may have heard the idea of getting 1% better everyday. The enormity of this sank in for me when I realized I’ll be 37 times better than where I started in just one year. Yet, the scariest realization for me is what happens, and what I can lose out on, if I don’t take action!

So dream big, but start small. Those little changes help build habits and make the process feel manageable so that you don’t end up frustrated or overwhelmed.

What small step can you take today to improve your health or life?
Here’s a quick overview of how to set goals. If you need more I encourage you to learn more about the Consistent Healthy Habits Guide that is available!

You can do it!

Ready to start a 30 day challenge? The Facebook group is doing a new themed challenge every month, and I’d love for you to join!

With these tips in mind, where will you start? The only thing stopping you is getting started with your first small step TODAY!

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