14 Toxic Things to Avoid for Better Mental Health
Have you ever pondered why some days seem to weather storm clouds, while others bask in sunshine? The answer might be found in the subtle influences infiltrating your life, impacting your mental health and overall well-being. A recent online community delved into these detrimental influences, exploring strategies to permanently banish them and help you reclaim your inner peace and happiness.
Hurtful Content

A user said, “Images or video of real people or animals getting hurt.”
Another user added, “Glad to have avoided most shock sites and screamers from back in the day.” Such content is truly nerve-racking.
Toxic Friends and Family

Someone writes, “Finally just ditched an incredibly toxic friend a month ago and have been happier this month than I have in a long time. I didn’t even realize how bad it was until I got out. Constantly dragging me back down and trying to guilt me and make me feel bad about things that really had nothing to do with me.”
Another user said, “I haven’t spoken to most of my family members for 2 and a half years, some of them not for over a decade. I never plan to again, and my mental health is so much better for it.”
Watching the News

The News these days adds to the stress and panic. Someone said, “News just churns up bad feelings of doom and gloom. I’d rather shape my perspective of this crazy world.”
Another user added, “Since I’ve stopped watching the News, my anxiety levels plummeted; it is amazing. I realized focusing more on the small world right in front of me rather than the whole world makes things less scary.”
Weighing Scales

While it’s good to try maintaining a healthy weight, obsessing over it takes a toll on your mental health. Someone said, “I don’t weigh myself regularly. I know roughly how much I weigh because my doctor’s office weighs me every time I go. I’m just a little overweight, according to the BMI. I don’t have an eating disorder, but I have OCD, and I’m worried I’d get too obsessed about maintaining a certain weight.”
Social Media

Social media is a double-edged sword. Someone said, “I have been off of tiktok & Facebook for months, Snapchat & Twitter for nearly a year & have a love/hate relationship w/ Instagram. Honestly, just so much content 24/7 is mentally exhausting & really messes with your mind.”
Staying Indoors for a Long Time

A user said, “As someone who gets energy from meeting new people and just walking in the city in general, sitting at home is really depressing to me. I mean, I like working from home, but I miss people so much.”
Another user added, “zqwwI get stuck in really bad cycles of staying inside all the time. (a mix of being an introvert and just being too broke to do anything) and I quite often don’t realize how bad I’m starting to feel until I start spending some time outside. Even just being in the yard or going for a walk, I feel so much different.”
Political Discussions

Political discussions are awful and should be avoided, period. A user said,” It’s a shame more people aren’t able or willing to just exchange their points of view and life experiences without feeling the need to spew numbers and obscure pieces of info as a way to feel superior.”
Another said, “At a certain point, you just disagree, but when the other people aren’t just completely ignorant, it’s difficult not to feel like the implication is that your critical thinking skills are lacking. I’m sure my parents also feel like they’ve somehow failed me and set me up to destroy the world with my sinful ways.”
Past Relationships

Someone said, “Thinking about the past and exes just leads to depression.”
Energy Vampires

These are the people who intentionally drain your energy. Someone writes, “I’m planning a wedding right now, and every time I’m with my friend, she makes talking about it incredibly difficult. The conversation steers towards her and all her problems. She’s not even engaged right now, but somehow, her “wedding” is what she’d rather plan/talk about. It’s bizarre. I am so emotionally drained around her, and it’s gotten so bad that I’m drained even before I hang out.”
Large Social Gatherings

A user said, “I’ve had to learn to say no to some invites without feeling like a crazy person. I’m not a hermit, but crowded, loud places make my anxiety way worse.”
Dating Apps

A user said, “I’ve been off them for a few years now, and I know I probably should be on them, but I would literally rather be single than deal with the way dating apps made me so numb about even trying to date. It was truly a soul-crushing experience that I don’t miss even remotely.”
Hectic Schedule

Someone writes, “Packing my schedule with lots of things. I do not understand people who say, “I can’t sit still! I always need to be doing something! Activities, volunteering, traveling, etc. For me, ”The simpler my routine and day-to-day life is, the fewer obligations I have, the better.””
Short-tempered and Irresponsible People

A user said, “I hate yelling and fighting, especially for no reason. I’d rather talk it out or separate for hours/days and come back with a clear head and talk it out. I’ve had some friends in the past who would start unnecessary drama for no reason. I dropped them fast. I also just had a roommate who was so nasty and dirty, and everything seemed to be everybody else’s fault. There is no accountability or self-awareness, just excuses.”
Googling Your Symptoms

Someone wrote, “I have severe medical anxiety/OCD. I’ve been able to manage it pretty well lately but before I got on medication, I’d compulsively check my lymph nodes multiple times a day. Any new lump or pain meant death, and a cough meant cancer, constipation was colon cancer, chest tightness was a heart attack, etc.”
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