
Maximize Your Exercise Routine with these 10 Exercises to Lose Weight and Stay Fit

With warm weather just around the corner, you might be considering dropping some pounds or getting back in better shape. However, transitioning from winter’s bulking season to summer shorts and bathing suits can be quite a challenge.

Luckily, in addition to weight management, less than two hours per week of exercise can provide you with the benefits of high energy, a sharp mind, and sustainable productivity.

Loving couple in the room
Exercise is part of a healthy balanced life.

Exercise should always be a priority.

Are you busy? Are you hustling? Do you have a new career? Growng family? There are lots of reasons you may feel you don’t have time for exercise. But you’re taking a look at it the wrong way.

In the long run, the time you devote into exercise will “pay you back” many times over. It’s simple there is always time if you make exercise a priority.

Beautiful lady satisfied good sleep in hotel room
Exercise has so many benefits.

The many benefits of exercise.

Exercise regularly and you will have more productive hours in your busy day. You’ll sleep well, wake up alert, have a clearer mind and be in a better mood throughout the entire day. You will have the vitality and stamina to push yourself harder  in all aspects of your life, plus have a healthy outlet for stress.

Exercise has so many benefits, the real question is why wouldn’t you want to make it a top priority?!

Exercise can be simple, cheap and still effective.

You can have an incredible workout at home without equipment. All you need is yourself and a little space (this can be as small as a yoga mat). So there is no excuse not to have regular routine.

You do not need fancy machines or expensive mega-gym memberships, and you do not have to manage line-ups or sweaty, stinky fellow gym members.

Girl doing an asana bending forward with her hands towards her legs. sitting on the floor
You can exercise anywhere.

Be gentle with yourself and start easily.

On of the reasons people fail at continuing exercise is because they try to accomplish things their body isn’t ready for. They’re feeling motivated to go straight to moves that are too hard or too many reps. This can leave you feeling disheartened and too sore to continue.

Don’t go full-force too quickly. Of course push yourself, but listen to your body and do it gradually. You can always up the intensity later.

Sports girl in a morning summer park
Exercise outside.

Exercises that can be done quickly and efficiently – start with 3 sets of 10 repetitions and build from there.

Lunging with arms overhead for extra intensity. Start with your hands on your hips.

1. Lunges.

Target muscles.

Quads, hamstrings, hips, and glutes.

How to do it.

Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Place your hands on your hips.

Next, step ahead with your right foot and bend the knee to a 90-degree angle, making sure the right knee stays directly above your foot (not going forward past your toes). The left knee drops down at a 90-degree angle too, and should almost touch the ground.

Now, push back up to a standing position and repeat with the left leg.

Here’s how to perform lunges perfectly.

Progression options to maximize effort: Try burning out one leg at a time, hold weights at your side, or do bicep curls with weight in sequence with your movement.

Woman doing push ups or press ups exercise, close up
An oldie but a goodie.

2. Push-ups.

Target muscles.

Triceps, pectoralis major, deltoids and abs

How to do it.

Lay on the ground. Tuck your toes under. Place both hands at your sides so that they will be directly under your shoulders when you lift up. Splay your fingers for better stability.

Engage your core and arms then push up off the floor until your arms are straight. Then gradually lower your body back down to just above the floor (do not lay back down fully until your reps are complete). Keep the entire body in one straight line with no sagging back or bending at the hips.

Here’s how to perform push ups perfectly.

Progressions and modifications: Start on your knees if needed or keep the arms closer to the body to target the triceps.

Young woman training abdominals

3. Crunches.

Target muscles.

Abdominal muscles

How to do it.

Lay on your back, with your feet on the ground about a foot approximately from your body, with your knees bent. Put hands behind your head (but do not pull on your neck).

Slowly engage your abs and roll your shoulders up off the ground. Next, gently, bring your shoulders back to the ground. Immediately go into the next crunch to help keep your abs engaged and working continuously.

Here’s how to perform crunches perfectly.

Progressions and modifications: Have back pain? Avoid classic crunches and try different exercises that require isometric tightening of the core instead such toe taps and bicycle crunches. Try putting your legs in the position shown in the picture above for added intensity.

Young handsome sporty girl standing on plank pose during yoga exercise
A good full body workout in one exercise.

4. Planks.

Target muscles.

The whole body!

How to do it.

Get into the same laying position described for a push-up. Push all the way up and hold it. Make sure that your butt doesn’t drift up, or sink too far down. You should be able maintain a good straight line from the head through the core and down the legs.

To achieve this move right, it requires you to engage your core, glute muscles, quads, arm muscles, and more!

Here’s how to perform planks perfectly.

Progressions and modifications: Look down at your abs when in this position, if you see muscles that looked pooched out or making a strange shape then it’s probably too hard to start. Modify to your knees to start. Progress to alternating arms extensions or legs extensions.

Image result for wall sit
photo credit:

5. Wall sit.

Target muscles.

Quads, glutes, hamstrings, calves

How to do it.

Stand upright against a wall. Place both hands palm-side against the wall for support and stabilization.

Now step your feet out in front of you while slowly sliding the body down the wall, and hold this “sitting” position. Try to get your knees to a 90-degree angle (it doesn’t need to be deeper).

Here’s how to perform wall sit perfectly.

Progressions: Increase hold time, add arm exercises or hold arms out in a sustained position.

Group of people doing warm up exercise in fitness club

6. Squats.

Target muscles.

Hamstrings, hips, quads, and glutes

How to do it.

Stand with the feet hip-width apart (angle the feet out just slightly). Hold both hands out straight or clasp them if front of you to help maintain balance throughout the squat.

Next, slowly lower yourself to a standing “seated” position. Keep your butt back, knees above the feet as much as possible (not forward past the toes). Achieve this by keeping your weight in your heels and imagine you are going to sit in a chair behind you.

Your back will arch naturally some but don’t let it be exaggerated by keeping your abs engaged. Lastly, push back up to standing position.

Here’s how to perform squats perfectly.

Progressions and modifications: If you can’t control your form start with a smaller range of motion. Progress to long holds, adding arms exercises or even single leg squats.

Side view of a fitness young woman doing donkey kick exercise against wall
Donkey kicks are simple and effective.

7. Donkey kicks.

Target muscles.

Hamstrings, glutes, abs.

How to do it.

Get onto your hands and knees on the floor. Tuck your abs in and keep them engaged. Try to keep your spine “neutral” (flat to slight arch) with the hands directly in the shoulders and knees directly under the hips.

Slowly lift your left leg up towards the sky while engaging your butt muscles (glutes) and hamstring.

Keep this motion slow and steady on your way up and the way down.

Here’s how to perform donkey kicks perfectly.

Progressions: To target the gluts more try bending the knee of the leg you are lifting (watch our for hamstring cramps!) or add arm extension of the opposite arm.

8. Mountain climbers.

Target muscles.

Full body

How to do it.

Get into a plank position. Next, pull your left knee up to almost reach your left elbow. Engage your core, keep your tummy tucked and back straight while doing this move.

Bring the left foot back again to its original position and repeat with the right leg. That is one rep.

Here’s how to perform mountain climbers perfectly.

Progressions: Play with speed and range of motion to vary the intensity.

Image result for plank jacks
photo credit:

9. Plank jacks.

Target muscles.

Full body

How to do it.

Get into the plank position. Then, “hop” both feet out, and then “hop” back in to the starting position.

Keep your tummy tucked and engaged, back flat, arms straight. Give attention to keeping an excellent form – the speed of the move is secondary, and can be increased later.

Here’s how to perform plank jacks perfectly.

A full body move that gets your heart rate up.

10. Burpees.

Target muscles.

Core, chest, and legs

How to do it.

This move is advanced. Do it with caution. Make sure you’re ready for this and stay safe by staying away from objects that may hurt you in case you fall over (which is just a common thing when first trying this move…).

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and arms at your sides. Push your hips back, knees bent, and lower right into a squat.

Place both hands on to the floor directly in front of you and shift your weight to them. Jump back softly to land on the feet in the plank position.

Jump the feet forward so that they land just outside of your hands. Reach the hands up and jump explosively into the air.

Immediately lower back into a squat for another rep.

Here’s how to perform burpees perfectly.

Progression: As you feel more coordinated increase speed or add a push up when you are in the plank position.

Fit woman in bright sports clothes to do burpees on the green grass

Regularity is the key to “perfection.”

Keep in mind, a little exercise is definitely a lot better than none, so lace up your shoes and exercise this season. Take the time to nourish your health. Perfection is not an un-achievable dream but is about doing your best each day!

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