14 of Life’s Greatest Gifts That Money Can’t Buy
Regardless of our economic circumstances, each of us harbors aspirations within. However, a prevalent assumption persists that wealth is the exclusive gateway to realizing these ambitions. Interestingly, the affluent, despite their abundance, possess a unique narrative. In an online forum, a user posed a compelling question: “While those with fewer resources may dream of winning the lottery, what propels the dreams of the wealthy?” The ensuing dialogue unveiled that even among the prosperous, there exist aspirations that extend beyond the realm of financial affluence.
1. Artistic Insecurities
Even owning an original Picasso may not guarantee complete satisfaction in the rich and famous world. A user shared, “I know a guy who worked for a famous American singer, and apparently, she was upset that her Picasso (an original) wasn’t as nice as someone else’s. The grass is always greener on the other side, I guess.”
2. More Free Time
With their busy schedules and demanding lifestyles, the rich might dream of spending more time with loved ones, pursuing hobbies, and simply relaxing. Someone wrote, “I have a super-rich friend, and this is a big thing for him and his family. They would rather spend money than waste time any day of the week. They think I can get more money and never more time. It makes sense.”
3. Safe Return from Adventures
For the adventurous souls among the wealthy, such as those embarking on a tragic journey to explore the Titanic, comes with risks. Sometimes all the wealth in the world can’t assure a safe return from such adventures.
4. Simpler Times
While we may think that the wealthy daydream about worldly things and extravagant lifestyles, sometimes the rich may only want to go back to simpler times. A user said, “I once had a chance to spend a few moments in idle conversation with a multimillionaire, and he told me that having money just takes the mask off of the problems that most people argue about when they think they’re arguing about money. Based on that, many of them daydream about simpler times.”
5. The Gift of Presence
Sometimes wealth and fame can be isolating and lonely, so the rich value of genuine friendships is worth much more than expensive items. Someone said, “I Have a friend who is rich, like “money is not an issue” rich. I asked him one day, jokingly, “What do you want for your birthday? We are legit giving up buying you anything. And his answer was, “Nothing, mate, just come over to my birthday party, and I will be really happy.”
6. Living Forever
When you have more money that can be spent in a lifetime, what you want most is more lifetime. Many users believe that rich people fantasize about living forever. A user said, “I remember Bill Gates saying that five or six years ago. Someone asked the question, saying, you have everything you could ever want. Are there any goals you have for the future? He gave a simple response like, “Not die.””
7. Admiration
A user said, “[Some] Rich people want to be admired. Or maybe all people want to be admired, but rich people can afford to focus on it because they have food, homes, and time. Some rich fantasize about being remembered as something better than being rich.”
8. Ordinary, Middle-Class Living
Recently, a strange trend has occurred with rich people wanting to cosplay as the working class. A user mentions Mark Zuckerberg’s unusual video, showcasing him grilling food, showing that they fantasize about being a hardworking “middle-class” person doing regular stuff to get by.
9. Less Greed
It’s a fact that many wealthy people are guarded about their money and always find ways to protect their wealth. Someone said, “My girlfriend comes from a wealthy family. They spend an amazing amount of time trying to sidestep people, asking for money. Whenever she goes to dinner with family who doesn’t have money, they expect her to pay. They’re always looking for handouts and have sob stories.”
10. Having The Most Money
According to many users, most rich people want to be richer. Someone wrote, “Once you reach a level of status and wealth, the game becomes comparing yourself to those even higher than you in the food chain.”
I knew a lady who had a legit villa, three cars, and a flourishing business of her own, and she still played the lottery every week. I still wonder about that sometimes. She fantasized about what she would do “if she were rich.” It made me so angry, man.” Unbelievable!
11. Being Loved for Who They Are
Someone said, “Rich people daydream of pure love, the kind where you can call your best friend at 2 AM just because you need to talk, or the kind where you love your partner so much that seeing them smile brightens your day. Most wealthiest people in the world are lonely because everything is about transactions.” Harsh reality.
12. Winning The Lottery
Users realize the poor and rich both fantasize about winning the lottery because the numbers are indefinite. A user said, “A guy that comes to my work lives in a $3 million home and won a $800,000 jackpot last year off scratch-offs.”
13. Personal Safety
Even amidst immense wealth, the fear of personal safety can haunt the lives of the rich and their loved ones. Someone wrote, “I know when I worked for this incredibly rich guy, his wife wanted to feel safe wherever she went because they’d undergone kidnappings before. He always seemed incapable of consoling her on it.”
14. Gratitude
No amount of things will suddenly make a person feel grateful and blessed. Rather, feeling grateful for the little things in live can open the heart to many possibilities of happiness- material and not.
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