Windowsill Herb Gardens
Have you ever thought about growing herbs in your window? If you don’t already have one, it’s time to consider windowsill herb gardens! 🙂 They look great and are easier than you might think! The hardest part is just getting started!
Today, we will dive into the world of windowsill herb gardens, so you can start your own herb garden. Just keep reading, and you will find out the main benefits of having a mini garden in your kitchen, what are the easiest herbs to grow, and how to get started with your windowsill herb garden.
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Benefits of having a windowsill herb garden
Growing herbs on your windowsill has many benefits. First of all, a kitchen windowsill can look amazing with all those green plants as they bring some bright color, clean your air, and add fragrance into your kitchen. Having plants in your home can also make you feel happier.
Additionally, it’s useful to have fresh herbs at home. Every time you want to cook something, you don’t have to go to look for them to add some nice flavor and extra nutrients to your food. These herbs will be easily accessible for you in your indoor garden. Use of herbs means you’ll feel less inclined to load your meals up with unnecessary salt or sugar.
Lastly, with an indoor herb garden, you can also save money because fresh herbs can be quite expensive at the supermarket.
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Easiest herbs to grow in the kitchen window
When you are planning to start and grow your own herb garden, you have to decide first on which plants you would like to grow. It is important to choose herbs that need minimal care, especially if it is your first attempt to grow herbs indoors. Good choices are also those plants that don’t grow too tall or wide, as in general, there is not too much space on a windowsill. Here are a few of the easiest herbs to grow indoors: (hint: you can continuously harvest these herbs and they will simply keep growing back)

Basil is one of the most popular herbs because it has a unique aromatic flavor that makes various dishes taste better. You can start growing basil from seeds: just put the seeds in a nice pot and place it in the window. But if you want, you can also buy a basil plant in a shop.
Basil needs plenty of light, therefore the best is to place the plant in a south-facing window. If you don’t have a sunny window, don’t worry. You can still consider buying a grow light. When it comes to the soil, it should be kept moist but you should avoid drenching it.
If you take good care of your basil plant, you will always have some basil to make sauces or pesto, but you can also put it on your pizza, add it to salads (Caprese is my favorite), or even smoothies!
If you are looking for something super easy to grow, chives are a perfect choice for you. You can grow them from seeds. But usually, the process takes a lot of time. It may be better to get a pot of completely grown chives. If you have an outdoor garden, you can easily dig up a small clump of chives from your garden and plant it in a pot. Then you can place the pot in a bright window.
Chives are a great addition to salads, soups, omelets, or baked potatoes.
Rosemary is a classic Mediterranean herb that goes well with a wide variety of dishes, for example, with meats and roasted vegetables. It has a strong and fresh aroma.
This plant needs lots of sunlight, so it is better to place it in a sunny window. Plus, during wintertime, it may be a good idea to invest in a grow light to provide enough light on the dark days. Also, rosemary doesn’t require too much water. The best is if the soil is neither wet nor dry. Therefore, it should remain moist all the time.
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Parsley is one of the most often used herbs. The good news is that it is also easy to grow indoors. This popular plant likes direct sun and plenty of water.
There are tons of ways how you can use parsley. You can add this herb to soups, pasta, salads, and a lot of other kinds of dishes. It can also be used as a garnish.
If you don’t have too much experience with windowsill herb gardens, thyme is a perfect plant to start with. It is because it is easy to keep this plant alive. Thyme’s needs are similar to what we saw at parsley: it enjoys the direct sun and should be watered frequently.
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The next easy-to-grow herb we need to talk about is oregano. Unfortunately, the process of growing from seeds is slow. However, you can buy a fully grown oregano plant at the supermarket. It handles drought quite well, so it is not a problem if you wait until the soil gets dry before you water it again.
If you like pizza or pasta, it is a must-have plant in your windowsill herb garden. Pizzas are the best when they are sprinkled with freshly chopped oregano!
Mint is also one of those plants that are difficult to mess up. Therefore, it is perfect for beginners, it requires only a little care. When it comes to light, it grows best in indirect sunlight. Simply choose a location where there is some sunlight but not directly. The soil should remain moist, but don’t overwater your plant.
You can add it to water, smoothies, desserts, and even sauces.
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How to get started with your windowsill herb garden

Now that you know everything about why it is good to have an indoor herb garden, and which herbs are the easiest to grow, you may be wondering how you can get started with your garden. In the following, I will give you a few tips so you can have one of the most amazing windowsill herb gardens.
Choose whether you want to grow your herbs from seeds or seedlings
Before you start your herb garden, you need to choose whether you want to grow your herbs from seeds, or you prefer buying seedlings.
If you decide on starting from seeds, first go to the store (or online) and buy the seeds and everything else you may need (herb garden kits, herb planters or pots, potting soil, nutrient solution, even a hydroponic system, etc.). Then, follow step by step the planting instructions that are found on the seed packets. Once your beautiful pots are filled with potting soil and the seeds are buried, cover the pots or containers with plastic wrap and keep the soil moist. After a while, you will see your seedlings grow. At that moment you can remove the plastic wrap, and let your little herbs grow.
In case you want to grow your herbs from seedlings, transfer the seedlings into a bigger pot than the one you bought them in. Then water them and make sure to keep the soil moist at all times.
Plant herbs that are easy to grow and you will often use when cooking
When you are about to choose the herbs you want to grow, go for the easy-to-grow plants. Besides, it may be a good idea to plant herbs that you often use in the kitchen.
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Place the pots on a sunny windowsill
As you could also see above, most culinary herbs love the sunlight. That’s why you should find a place for your pots on a sunny windowsill. If you have a south-facing window where there is sun for 6-8 hours each day, your plants will love it. If you don’t have a sunny window, you should consider installing some inexpensive grow lights so your herbs can get enough light every day.
Fortunately, both seeds and seedlings come with some instructions regarding their light needs. Check the seed packet or the tag that comes with the plant, and you will know how many hours of sun each herb needs. Or if it is easier, you can also make a quick search on the internet.
Pay attention to watering
It is very important to not overwater your plants because it can lead to root damage. Try to water them just enough. Also, don’t let your herbs dry out. When the soil feels a little dry, water the plants.
Use fertilizer
Once in a while, use some fertilizer to fortify your herbs in your garden. They will certainly appreciate it!
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Be patient, care for your plants and enjoy the benefits

As you can see, windowsill herb gardens have several benefits. I can reassure you that you won’t regret starting one. Plus, it is not so difficult to start an indoor garden! All you need is some basic materials, patience, and lots of love to care for your plants. And as a result, you will never have to leave the house again to look for herbs as you will have your own herbs on your kitchen windowsill.
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Are you ready to start your indoor herb garden?