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10 Popular Ab Exercises That Aren’t That Affective, According to a PT

Are you aiming to develop a strong core and achieve a sculpted midsection? Aspiring for a six-pack or a defined physique is a common fitness goal. However, concentrating solely on abs or pursuing a chiseled look might not be the most effective strategy for improving overall core strength.

Specific ab exercises can strain your lower back, place excessive pressure on internal organs, and may not effectively develop core strength for daily activities. Here are the 10 worst ab exercises that can potentially compromise your back health and do more harm than good.

Note: If you do these exercises and enjoy them, there’s no reason to stop. Our bodies all respond differently to exercise- what’s most important is to listen to your body and adjust if something feels off or hurts. Talk to a physical therapist for more formal guidance.

1. Ab Rockers

Happy young woman stretching on fitness mat in gym
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

The ab rocker, often marketed as an effortless solution for toning your abdominal muscles, falls short in effectiveness. This contraption that you lie in with your neck on the headrest and arms outstretched to a bar (which was popular in the 90s and is still around) isn’t all that.

Studies have revealed that it can be up to 80 percent less effective than traditional crunches. Its ease of use can be misleading since it deactivates the neck muscles that should provide support, potentially leading to neck pain and muscle weakness.

2. Traditional Crunches

home workout crunches abs
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

Traditional crunches have been a staple in many core workout routines. Still, they might not be the most practical exercise for core strengthening. The issue with traditional crunches is that they focus on the upper abdominal muscles and may not engage the entire core.

The repetitive spine flexion during crunches can stress the lower back, especially if done with improper form. These are particularly problematic for postpartum moms recovering from diastasis recti (separation of the abdominal wall).

3. The Straight Leg Sit-up

overweight man doing a sit up
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

The straight-leg sit-up is an old exercise, and it requires you to propel your upper body forward to touch your toes forcefully. This motion places excessive stress on the lower back, much like a crunch, potentially leading to discomfort or injury over time. 

4. The Standing Dumbbell Side Bend

man doing a side bend with weights exercise
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

Once widespread in past decades, this exercise has fallen out of favor due to its limited functionality and effectiveness. This exercise involves an uncomfortable, isolated lateral bending motion that doesn’t mimic natural movements in everyday life. Most daily activities that require bending involve a more coordinated movement pattern, engaging the entire core rather than just isolating the oblique muscles.

5. Leg Raises

woman on hands and knees home workout bands weights donkey kick
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

Leg raises (lying on your back and lifting the legs while keeping the knees straight) are often misinterpreted as targeting the abdominal muscles, but they heavily engage the leg muscles instead of the core. Additionally, performing leg raises with poor form or without adequate core engagement can place significant stress on the lower back.

They’re a great multi-functional exercise if you keep the back neutral and lower abs engaged.

6. Weighted Crunches

man at the gym weighted machine
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

Weight machines that claim to target the abdominals often involve too much weight and don’t have a big enough emphasis on function.

7. Ineffective Planking Variations

woman doing a plank home workout
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

Some variations of planks that involve excessive arching or sagging of the back, such as a “banana plank” or planks where the hips drop too low, might not effectively engage the core. Maintaining a (relatively) straight line from head to heels is essential for proper engagement.

8. Ineffective Bicycle Crunches 

woman exercising bicycle crunches
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

Bicycle crunches, although effective core exercise, can still place strain on the neck and back if not performed well. The twisting and the rapid movements can sometimes put undue pressure on the spine. Moreover, individuals may tend to pull on their necks rather than engage their core, which minimizes the effectiveness of the exercise. 

With attention to form, this is a great option.

9. Hanging Leg Raises with Swinging

woman exercising home workout plank
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

While hanging leg raises are useful when executed correctly (not pictured above), swinging the legs to complete the movement can reduce the engagement of the abdominal muscles. Additionally, excessive swinging momentum often relies more on hip flexors rather than the core.

10. Roman Chair Extensions

woman doing back extensions exercise roman chair park
Photo Credit: Deposit Photos.

This core exercise targets the extensions of the body, including the glutes, hamstrings, and deep spine muscles. However, it can be too intense for many. Starting on the floor on hands and knees or doing a superman on the belly are gentler options.

Ultimately, choosing the right exercises comes down to your unique history and preferences. Mixing it up and keeping movement functional (as in making it relate to the moves you do daily) is key.

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