Travel Health: How to Feel Your Best Anywhere
If you’re on the road often, it’s easy to feel out of rhythm. This can lead to poor choices related to sleep habits, exercise, and eating. Plus, travel can be just plain stressful. With a little bit of planning and awareness of your habits, you can stay on track with your health goals anywhere.
Travel health is important for those of us that are always on the move!

7 ways to stay healthy anywhere.
- Get outside. Whether you are adjusting to a new time zone or have simply been cramped up in a car for too long, there are so many benefits to getting outside and enjoying some fresh air. Exposure to the sun (even with clouds) will help set your circadian rhythm to local time and help get rid of that generic “travel fog.” Plus, you’ll get a dose of vitamin D and boost your sense of well-being.
- Bring healthy snacks and meals. When you’re starving and there isn’t a kitchen in sight, it’s easy to settle for junk at the gas station or airport. It’s terrible for your wallet and your body! Easy snacks to pack along to alleviate hunger are nuts, boiled eggs, dried fruit, veggies with hummus, and simple wraps.
- Stay hydrated. Dehydration can leave you feeling low energy. It’s particularly easy to get dehydrated on a long flight due to the dry cold air that is circulated in the cabin. You might notice dry skin or nasal passageways, low urine output (that is dark yellow), and even cramping due to low electrolytes. Bring a large water bottle with you and make sure to sip on it periodically throughout your travel time.
- Keep your exercise routine. A simple exercise routine can be kept anywhere. Whether it’s interval training in your room, running or walking outside, or finding a local gym, find what keeps you on top of your normal regime. Home workouts are particularly easy to do anywhere. You can even bring lightweight workout items in your suit case such as bands, a mat, small balls and/or light weights. Schedule your workout into your planner ahead of time so that you automatically follow through.
- Get some extra ZZZs. Travel tends to result in sleep deprivation. You may have trouble getting comfortable in a new environment, stay out too late, or have to be up early to catch transportation. When it’s time for sleep, try to keep the room quiet and dark. Minimize wasted time watching TV or sitting on other electronics when you could be prioritizing sleep. Bring something from home, such as an eye cover or pillow, that will help you relax in any environment. (I bring a teddy bear that doubles as an eye cover!)
- Stress management. Of course, travel should be fun. However, it can also leave you feeling off due to stress. Outside of exercise, try incorporating activities such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga, journaling, or just simply some quiet time. Also, consider bringing comforts from home that will help you keep some consistency no matter where you are.
- Take frequent breaks. Travel typically comes with a lot of sitting time. Sitting too long is detrimental for posture, circulation, and overall health and wellness. Ideally, you should take a break from sitting every hour to walk around and stretch. However, if this isn’t possible at least take the time to move your muscles a bit. This can be done via ankle rotations, butt squeezes, shoulder blade squeezes, and any other simple muscle squeezes or limb movements that you can do safely and comfortably.

Maximize your travel time.
Disregarding your health while you’re traveling will minimize what you can do on your trip. If you get sick or have low energy, you will be limited in what you can do, whether your trip is for work and pleasure.
Take care of yourself so you can enjoy your time!
What tricks do you have for healthy travel? I can’t stand airplane food, so we always bring our own snacks and meals. Some of our favorites are homemade banana bread, boiled eggs, wraps, and nuts.
Don’t settle for a mediocre life, you deserve a life full of energy!